I rarely use significators IN a reading. I always keep them in the
deck so that they might be pulled for any card position in a spread.
But I do
have a significator, who I meditate upon from time to time. She is the Queen of Wands and She. Is. Awesome.
And I'm basically portraying her in a musical at this moment.

written about her before. But I'm going to take the liberty of doing
so again, under the rosy-sensual lens of the character I'm playing in "A
Little Night Music." Because, although my character and I don't have
THAT much in common, we're still alike in some ways. Only in some. I'm
certainly not as flighty as she, and I have but one love, but when I'm
playing full-out, I know we share the same Queen of Wands attributes of
independence and sense of play.
I'm Desiree Armfeldt:
actress, mother, daughter. Lover to many, but love to only one.
Sometimes not someone you can trust your husband to. Doing
character work for Desiree, I've decided she's a glass of champagne.
She's flighty, like the wind. She's a whisper, a child, rambunctious
and fanciful. And she's happiest when bubbling, even when she works that
bubble into a slow simmer. She likes to indulge herself, likes to
touch, to sip, to sniff. She's fire, buoyed on by all that airiness,
energetic and creative: much like the Queen of Wands.
But remember what I said about not trusting her around
your husband? Yes, that's there, but she's extricating herself out of
that world - and thanks heavens for that! She's wielding her magic
Wand, creating a new life for herself. Okay, so she's manipulating
things to her advantage, but that's what she's learned in order to
survive. But she's realizing she's grown beyond that and she wishes to
create a "coherent existence" for herself and her daughter - and for the
man she loves.
Thanks for letting me share a little
about Desiree and her twin soul, the Queen of Hearts. If you're
interested in seeing the production I'm in, it runs Oct. 19 through Nov.
10, 2012 at the small-but-mighty Village Theatre Guild in Glen Ellyn,