Planetary things. They intrigue me.
This past year has been a flamethrower in many, many ways. Lots of structures, mostly nonsolid, mostly personal, have simply disintegrated, have blown apart, have washed away. Ways of being, thought forms I grew comfortable with, gone. I could go on and on, and you'd yawn - but likely you'd commiserate. Because so many of us have met with the embodiment of the Tower card in tarot, it's mind-boggling. So I won't go into all the details. But I will go into what it's brought up for me going forward.
I've spent a lot of time lost in Podcast Land, and mostly it's been witchcentric offerings, because I'm fashioning my own podcast for next year. But I've also gone down the rabbit hole of astrological podcasts. I studied astrology eons ago, and I have a rudimentary understanding of the art. Well, no, It's more than rudimentary, but it's nowhere near as second nature for me as tarot. Tarot and I became fast friends rather quickly, and the study of tarot is always rewarding, fascinating, soul tickling. I get it. But astrology seems like advanced calculus in comparison. And, while I was good at math, I didn't necessarily enjoy it.
But then the last year or so happened. And I began to become curious about the whys and wherefores, the possible reasons for so much calamity, sadness, and endings. Enter astrology. Enter the excellent Astrology Podcast, where three intrepid practitioners delve into the stars in a way I never before imagined. These people are brilliant. At first, I felt way in over my head, but as the months have spooled out, I've slowly begun to see this giant 1,000-piece puzzle coalesce. I'm starting to make sense of it all. I'm beginning to get my bearings. And it fascinates me.
One of my goals in 2020 is to get certified as an astrologer through ISAR, but, thus far, my emails to various folks connected with the certification program have gone unanswered, This does not thwart me, however. Because the past year or so has made me tenacious, like a Jack Russell terrier going after a squirrel. So I'll keep asking the questions until I have a clear plan of attack for going forward with certification.
I'm a certified tarot reader, have been for years. And tarot really relies much more on intuition than astrology. Astrology relies on math. Lots and lots of math. But also one needs to learn what the houses mean, the rulers of the houses, what each planet stands for and on and on and on. Tarot is open to much interpretation. Astrology has much more set parameters. And if you use this tool, you'd darned well better really know your onions. You need to know it well before you start hanging out a shingle. I want to work with both of these keys to the occult, to incorporate them meaningfully in my coaching, in my life, to the benefit of all.
So wish me luck. Yes, from my studies thus far I hear that a lot of the energies we're going through may come to a head in early January of 2020. I hope it's a soft landing for us all. And if navigating the stars will act as a comfy down pillow to soften it all, then by all means, it's time to get out my zodiacal slide rule.