Thursday, December 27, 2012

Another blog post about moons and love ...

george-lassos-the-moon For Christmas, my sweetie lassoed the moon. Just like George Bailey.

But because Ben did it, it's even more magical and sweet and I was so overwhelmed to come to bed on Christmas evening to a moon in my room!  It's one of those remote-controlled ones that you hang on the wall and you hit the remote and the moon goes into its phases, or you can set it to a particular phase and it glows a friendly light for 30 minutes before shutting down.  So it's part night light, part learning tool (we're in waxing gibbous phase right now), and all wonderful. 

Room™ | Moon In My Room®What's especially sweet about Ben gifting me with a moon is because, well, we still have neighbors next door who insist on leaving their garage lights on all night, so I have to close the blinds or else get blinded every time I getup to use the bathroom.  So, I don't have the luxury (yes, it's a luxury these days to actually be able to have our window blinds OPEN) to look outside my window and see the moon.  At least now, I have a glowing moon-like orb right on my wall, above the closet.  It makes things a bit easier that way and I don't go to sleep hating the folks next door.  Hate is not something I want to take with me into the new year (as you can tell by reading some recent posts).

And that is a natural transition to the Full Moon that comes tomorrow.  It's a Cancer-Capricorn moon and it's been given the nickname "The Love Moon"; Cancer is all about emotion and love and nurturing and Capricorn is about balance, so we're asked to balance emotion about relationships with a sense of stability.  Tomorrow is the perfect time to take stock of the loving, familial feelings we have when we spend time with like-minded people.  To take a close look at our love relationships and see how we deeply connect, not just on a physical level, but emotionally and spiritually.  We're urged  to go quietly within when we meditate on the strands of love that weave together our lives with others, to lend them a deep sense of value and give thanks for them.

What's very interesting is that 2012 began with a Cancer-Capricorn moon and it's ending with one as well.  It's as if the cosmos had it all worked out from the get-go: 2012 was a time to learn and grow from all the seismic shifting, learning how to balance all those disparate energies and, ultimately, owing our emergence from the roller coasters of the year to the one true, pure thing we can always count on: love.

Full Moon in Cancer (Themes)


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