Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday is Tarot Day: Exploring Hawk Medicine and Clear Vision

Folks, my world has opened up, the baby angels are clapping, the doggies are dancing and all is right with the world: I got contacts.  If I so choose, I don't have to deal with brown, plastic lines around my line of vision anymore.  These tiny (wiggly, slimy, hard-to-work-with-so-far, easy-to-turn-inside-out,  cold) blue plastic discs have given me my face back.  For that, I am truly grateful to the inventor of the disposable contact lens.

Oh yeah, and my vision is better.  And, yes, I keep singing this song:  (yes, this version.  I know the original is by Jimmy Cliff, but this is the version from my childhood.)

Anywho, I was working on a corresponding tarot card for my clear vision experience (because the physical clarity is truly tying in to my mental and spiritual clarity, as I knew it would), and really, the closest I came was the 3 of Wands.  The journeyman on the card, is clearly seeing the next steps he needs to take.  He's ready, he's wiser, he knows what he needs to do to move forward.  But although this image does work for me, I wanted to share something more with you.

And then I remembered that just last week, I kept encountering hawks. Red-tailed hawks in the trees, swooping by me as I walked in our neighborhood, and on-watch at the arboretum where I go for my spiritually-enlivening hikes at least twice a week.

Before I began my tarot study, I was first introduced to the world of divinatory cards decks by the splendid Animal Medicine Cards by David Carson (  In fact, I still turn to them when certain animals wander into my path from seemingly nowhere.  In Native American traditions, all animals have medicine (that is, they provide magic and wisdom and lessons).

File:Northern-Red-Tailed-Hawk.jpgHawk medicine is about vision, having the clarity to see past the obscurity of a situation and get to the powerful center of it.  I'm now realizing my hawk visitors were giving me messages about needing to see more clearly, on a few different levels.

As far as my physical vision, yes, my prescription had changed (I blush to admit it's been 4 years since I got new glasses), and I was gobsmacked at how much clearer things are with my new "numbers".  Mentally I'm able to just take on more each day, without getting overwhelmed.  And spiritually, I've been getting clear about what I'm most grateful for by doing the follow-up book to "The Secret" entitled "The Magic".  It gives tangible ways to practice your gratitude and it's given my soul a clearer focus and love has just been pouring in and I'm humbled by what God has given me, and continues to give me, blessed be.

I encourage you to check out the Animal Medicine cards for yourself, especially if you're "tarot curious", because I found them to be a gentle introduction into the art of cartomancy at the time when my soul was ready.  

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