Friday, October 4, 2013

Ghost Hunting 101: A Few Tips (and common sense)

Hitchhiking Ghosts - Disney Wiki
Not all ghosts you encounter when ghost hunting are this adorable. (image from

Okay, this is shaping up to be quite an October for the Mystic!  I've been employed to host two, count 'em, TWO ghost hunting expeditions.  Well, only one can be truly classified as an expedition - the other is to be held in one small store that is most definitely of the haunted variety.

So, how did I get so lucky?  Well, I let folks know I'm a sensitive, that I know how to ghost hunt, and things just sort of fall into my lap.  I feel I'm letting spirit speak through me when I do this work (not necessarily allowing ghosts to speak through me; I'm talking about more or less the guidance I get from my spirit guides in relation to how to go about the ghost hunting process).

Now, there are folks who make this their full-time business; I'm more of a very serious hobbyist.  Very serious.  I don't mess around.  I don't allow any spirits to bully me or my guests.  I simply go in wishing to connect, find out if there are any messages from the other side, and, hopefully, gather some physical evidence of the hauntings.  So, although the generic term for what I do is ghost hunting, I'd rather call it realm-to-realm communication: from the physical to the ethereal.

So what do I do when I hunt?  Basically, I keep it simple.  I have at the ready a classic EMF meter (electromagnetic frequency), an audio recorder, a camera, a dandy app on my cellphone called "Ghost Radar" (the pro version), divining rods, a crystal pendulum, and, most importantly, my sixth sense. 9 times out of 10, the hands-on equipment will back-up what I initially feel just by entering the space and "tuning in" to the energies present.

A variety of ghost hunting tools from the Creepy Cincinnati website:  They have an excellent article here about the controversies surrounding popular ghost hunting tools.  Check it out!

When you do this sort of work, protect yourself, fer cryeye!  In several other posts, I've sung the virtues of not going into a haunted space willy-nilly!  Although (hopefully!) you're bringing positive energy into the space and looking for positive spirits, there are bullies on the other side, just like here.  Some ways to arm yourself include wearing a cross, carrying rosemary in your pocket, an amethyst in your purse, a St. Michael prayer card on your person.  But what's most important is to surround yourself with your spirit guides, with white light, with God energy.  And, the very first thing that should come out of your mouth upon entering the area is: "I come in peace, respecting your space, harming none".

Now, there are some shows on cable with "extreme" ghost hunters who prod and poke the air in order to agitate spirit. They challenge them, spar with them.  I highly recommend you not try that.  It might seem like fun but, again, you never know when a bully might show itself to you.  If you feel any sort of heaviness to the space, leave it.  Works with bullies in physical form, so it fits that it works in the spirit realm as well.

I'll be posting more info on my escapades as they occur.  Any questions or comments are most welcome!  We all learn from each other through sharing this stuff.

Blessings to you, during this highly-charged time of the year.

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