Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy birthday, Dean Jones (you "Love Bug", you!)

Oh, to be 5 years old again and thrill to this live-action Disney gem, "The Love Bug"!  Oh, to fall madly in love with Dean Jones (whose 82nd birthday is today.  Happy natal day, good sir!) and to wish you were as spunky and sparkly as Michelle Lee!  Oh, to own a VW Bug that splits in two!

Oh, and there's Buddy Hackett and David Tomlinson, too!!  Man, what Disney film WASN'T Tomlinson in??

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"All the Children Sing" - So coloreth the mystic Todd Rundgren.

Todd Rundgren.  It's amazing he's not an Aquarian (born June 22, so that would make him a Cancer, but just barely.  On the Gemini-Cancer cusp.  So he's got the split personality of the Twins combined with the sensitivity of the Crab.  I have many Cancerians in my life, including my sweet, wacky, caring, wonderful Daddy; they are unique, special, challenging, mercurial, emotional, friendly, and crazy like Aqaurians, but very sweet.  Sometimes we Aquarians like to freak people out for the heck of it; a Cancer wouldn't do that.  With a Cancerian, it would occur by happenstance.  Then they might apologize for shaking you up.  Most Aquarians won't apologize.  And it's not that we aren't nice; the oddballness is hardwired into our psyches and cosmology and it ain't goin' anywhere).

So.  The Sun is now firmly in Aquarius.  Ruled by Uranus, the planet of "Holy CRAP!  Did THAT just happen!?", it's replete with rainbows and geegaws and silliness and some eccentricity.  No, a LOT of eccentricity.  We Aquarians are eccentric as children (often ridiculed as thus - be we ALWAYS get the last laugh), grow into eccentric teens, travel throughout our adulthoods (wait - there is no such thing as a grown-up Aquarian; strike that), and, as seniors, are the old folks who do odd things and who people just adore - and often revere.

As my birthday is only a week or so away, I'm swept up in Aquarian Sun energy.  Things happen.  Jobs pop out of nowhere.  My hairstyle changes from day to day.  I find things in my closet that have no BUSINESS going together/being pulled out in the first place, and I wear them.  And I often hear music in colors.

This is called synesthesia.  Basically, it's the blurring of senses.  While I've tested myself and did not test positive for synesthesia, for some reason, during this time of year, I sometimes experience music as color.  Or color as music.  Smells hit me as colors, but rarely as music.  Textures are musical though.

And why bring up Todd Rundgren just now?  Because this morning I was looking at something multi-colored, rainbowy.  And it made Rundgren's song "All the Children Sing" come to mind.  And I heard it in  colors.  So, curious if there was a video of the song on Youtube, I looked and lo! there was one.  And it's VERY colorful.  And happy-crazy.  With little dolls (scary little versions of the pleasant, sweet dolls in "It's a Small World") singing like Clutch Cargo, Rundgren in googly eyeglasses, and a wind-up bunny playing the drums.

I feel the song is about the "a-ha!" moment, those times when something hits you and helps you see (or hear?  Smell?) things differently.  A paradigm shift.  It's about how we're all united in that moment when "a bell in your head will ring".  And then "All the Children Sing" - it's a human condition.  It's a unifying, universal condition.  And Rundgren paints it in a rainbow of quirk, not only in the lyrics, but in the video.  And the song itself is at once an anthem for harmony and for the universal quality of "Holy CRAP!  Did THAT just happen?!".

Perhaps those moments propel us into a higher plane ...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday is Tarot Day: Congratulations, Mr. President, on your second term. Let's move forward at warp speed! No, wait ...

Of the King of Pentacles, the Biddy Tarot website states: "The King of Pentacles indicates that a methodical, planned and well thought-out approach will lead you to success. Many consider the King of Pentacles to be dull and unimaginative but this is a likely consequence of his preference to do things in the most ‘tried and tested’ way" 

I was viewing the Inaugural Luncheon today with my Dad, talking in all the pomp and circumstance, how each faction of Congress gifts the President and Vice-President with vases, books, smiles, handshakes (at least for today), and noticing how self-contained President Obama is.  I mean, he's obviously brilliant, he's shown how skilled a politician he is, as well as a diplomat.  He's also caring, enterprising, a great father and husband ... and some have found him to be dull.

Now, I don't agree with that assertion, but sometimes I do wish he'd move his agenda along a little faster, put those who are bullies in Congress on notice more forcefully.  But then I recall that, although he's always been an exciting speech-giver, he's also been a bit more on the quiet side.  He's thoughtful and takes his time with decisions.
The Knight of Swords Tarot Card based on Rider-Waite
You don't rush President Obama.  And as much as I wish he'd often push things more forcefully politically, I always remind myself of something I've said four years ago, have heard pundits repeat again and again: "the man plays chess, not checkers".  No jumps and fast moves; he plays the game strategically and methodically.

President Barack Hussein Obama takes his time, yes.  In a deliberate and thoughtful manner.  And, really, I thank God we have a leader like him because, during times of crisis, I really prefer having a King of Pentacles at the helm, rather than, oh, a Knight of Swords.  Yikes!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday is Tarot Day: Slowly moving toward calmer waters.

Dad sleeps most of the day, but when he's awake - hoo boy!  The man is a force.  A force of silliness, charm, warmth, teasing, and love.  This became all too apparent today when Dad, after learning that one of his nurses speaks fluent Polish, began charming his way into her heart.  I don't know any flirtatious phrases in Polish myself, but I'm sure a few were bandied about by Daddy this afternoon in his hospital room.

6 of SwordsEerily similar to last year, almost to the day, Dad went into the hospital two nights ago because of the flu.  His 87-year-old constitution is not too strong, so when he gets a flu bug, no matter how small, it really rattles him physically.  Even a tiny bit of dehydration causes much concern.  So Ben and I decided it was best to send him in an ambulance to a local hospital.  He's received fluids intravenously, he's being monitored through the day and evening, and now he's finally received the go ahead to get his nutrition orally.

But his is a slow journey back to complete recovery.  Luckily, unlike last year's bout, I believe we got Dad into the hospital soon enough to nip the intruding virus in the bud; his lungs are nowhere near as fluid-filled and gurgly as last time (sorry for the vivid description, but it's an important fact).  He's still needing lots of sleep, LOTS of sleep, but that's his healing process.  It's slow and steady.  We Turlows haven't been labelled with the epithet "Turtle" for nothing.

My dad is like the woman pictured in the 6 of Swords: hunched over, recovering from something that laid her low, moving from a scary or sad or somehow otherwise "not-so-fun" place, into calmer, clearer waters.  And Mark (my dad's caregiver), Ben, Dad's doctors and nurses and therapists, and myself, are manning the oar, moving him steadily and purposefully ahead to safety and health.

Nothing's rushed.  All good care is taken.  Because turtles have been known to quite often win the race.

In their own good, sweet time.

(Note: I was heartened when Dad's assisting physician referred to him as "a wonderful man".  This after only meeting him for, oh, like 11 seconds.  Such is his gift to the world.)

Friday, January 11, 2013

My Goals for a Mid-Century Mystical 2013

The Mid-Century Mystic Spiritual Goals for 2013 (Space Age Modern Version)

Bright Green Vintage Sprite BottleWasn’t 2012 a kick in the pants?  Seriously though; every single person I know was hoodswaggled and brainwhipped by ups and downs in 3-D Vista Vision.  Most of the energy was difficult, some of it welcome and exhilarating, all of it smacked loudly, like a two-story-tall tympani.  2013 already feels lighter somehow, with an effervescent pop like a freshly-opened bottle of Sprite (with the little dimple bubbles in the green glass).

So I have some goals for 2013, spiritually, creatively, and Mid-Century Modern Mystically.  Here they come:

1.      To Blog, Perchance to Dream. I have three blogs: one for my book, “The Cotton Candy Road Trip”, one for my voice-over career, and one that acts as part of my personal playground and church – this one.  Visiting my blog, for me at least, is like boarding the Wonka boat, cruising down the chocolate river, where Anything Can Happen.  At least, that’s how I wish it to be.  But yet I have to follow some sort of schedule.  At least I’ve tried, instituting “Monday is Tarot Day”.  Well, that was a valiant attempt by yours truly, but it doesn’t work when you’re dealing with writing primarily about spiritual things.  So for 2013, I’m committed to not committing, except for once a week.  I must blog on this dragonfly wing of a blog at least once a week.  What I share may inspire someone to live a lighter life, have a more playful day, enjoy something from 1966, so at least once a week is a must. Tarot?  Yes.  The Monkees?  Why not?  Spiritual Growth?  But of course.  Which brings me to …

2.      Life Coaching.  Alright, I took life coaching classes and I do coach, but, due to the Garden of Oddballness that was 2012, getting the website up and getting a handful of clients (at least) did not happen because of the bloom of oddities that met me throughout the year.  My Mid-Century Mystic blog is a part of the website, but because it’s on Blogger and my Guided By a Star coaching website is not, there are issues.  Enough with the issues!  Get the life coaching website up by hook or by crook and have a link to this blog and just stop with the waffling already.  There are people out there who need some coaching from someone who’ll allow them to play and be big kids!  Okay then …

3.      Vintage Finery.  So.  Let’s get down to the vintage goal for the year.  I’ve already got our new/old/Don Draper couches ordered (yes, I’ve imagined Don Draper draping on them, yes I have).  I’ve got a swellegant buffet waiting to be utilized for our entertainment center.  I‘ve got plans to paint the bland-as-wallpaper paste kitchen a pastelriffic palette.  These things need to be planned.  But beyond all that, I need to re-retro myself.  I’ve been lazy about incorporating something vintage into every day’s outfit.  I certainly have enough stuff to make this a reality.  So, please allow me to wave my arms like my beloved Serena in “Bewitched” and make it so.  And that also pertains to make-up and hair.  My hair has been a boring rendition of “the Rachel” because of the perm I’m growing out.  By the end of the summer, I should have my flip back, if not before.

4.      The Pause That Refreshes.  Meditation also took a backseat during the Scourge of 2012, which is ironic since I had an amazing time at the Chopra Center retreat in the summer.  But if you don’t practice, if you don’t keep the flow going, it’ll get stuck like taffy on the floor.  So meditation will be re-instituted into my daily plan.  And that also includes my walking meditation in my Church of the Great Outdoors, the arboretum.  But I’ll be adding something more …

5.      Angel on My Shoulder (and in my car, at the café, accompanying me through Disneyland).  Every single person on Earth has a guardian angel, angel guides and spirit guides.  I have a guardian angel, two other angels who have specific jobs, and a spirit guide.  I also have recurrent conversations with other angels, the big ones, like Archangel Michael.  In case you’re curious, your angels are always with you.  The big, celebrity angels, the ones ostensibly managed by big-deal talent impresarios in L.A. (kidding.  Just meaning that these angels are known by many religions, and by the non-religious as well), are there any time; all you need is to call upon them.  They can be anywhere, anytime.  The connection you attain with angels is up to you.  They’re at the ready and they help us mere mortals throughout our lives.  But if you wish to have a more personal, purposeful and fulfilling relationship with your angels, you need to feed it daily.  The onus is upon you to communicate with them to enrich and deepen your connection.  2013 is the year I not only deepen my angelic connection, but the time to make “angel time” a part of my daily spiritual routine.  Angle magic is powerful and gets you closer to God.

6.      A Year-Long Cosmos Cotillion.  2013 is a six numerologically, the year of creativity and love and I choose to celebrate these things all 12 months in a very exciting, serendipitous way: the 2013 Party a Month Club.  No, I’m really not kidding.  Some people have rolled their eyes at this idea, citing the fact that I already make February my birthday month.  Well, if you’re celebrating a milestone birthday in the year of creativity and love, the year that’s also your 15th wedding anniversary to your soul mate, the year that’s also the 15th anniversary of your first trip to Disneyland with the aforementioned soul mate, I say take the whole year to rattle the noisemakers and blow the kazoos.  The Party a Month Club will begin in earnest on February 1 in Disneyland for my birthday.  It will run through January 31st, 2014.  The ideas I have for parties (some grand, some quite small) range from the sublime (wait ‘til you see what we’re doing for our annual Summer Soiree!) to the silliest bit of girl-night grooviness I’ve ever dreamt up.  Note: there are no membership cards or dues; I’ll just throw parties and invite people.

I’m loving 2013 already.  2013, you are natty and snappy, wearing your little bowtie and brogues.  You smell like lavender and citrus and I thrill to you up in the air, riding the sky ride across Disneyland circa 1963.  I embrace you and know we will be the best of friends.