The Mid-Century Mystic Spiritual Goals for 2013
(Space Age Modern Version)
So I have some goals for 2013, spiritually,
creatively, and Mid-Century Modern Mystically.
Here they come:
1. To Blog, Perchance to Dream.
I have three blogs: one for my book, “The Cotton Candy Road Trip”, one for my
voice-over career, and one that acts as part of my personal playground and
church – this one. Visiting my blog, for
me at least, is like boarding the Wonka boat, cruising down the chocolate
river, where Anything Can Happen. At
least, that’s how I wish it to be. But
yet I have to follow some sort of schedule.
At least I’ve tried, instituting “Monday is Tarot Day”. Well, that was a valiant attempt by yours
truly, but it doesn’t work when you’re dealing with writing primarily about
spiritual things. So for 2013, I’m
committed to not committing, except for once a week. I must blog on this dragonfly wing of a blog
at least once a week. What I share may
inspire someone to live a lighter life, have a more playful day, enjoy
something from 1966, so at least once a week is a must. Tarot? Yes.
The Monkees? Why not? Spiritual Growth? But of course. Which brings me to …
2. Life Coaching. Alright, I took life coaching classes and I do coach, but, due to the Garden of Oddballness
that was 2012, getting the website up and getting a handful of clients (at least)
did not happen because of the bloom of oddities that met me throughout the
year. My Mid-Century Mystic blog is a
part of the website, but because it’s on Blogger and my Guided By a Star
coaching website is not, there are issues.
Enough with the issues! Get the
life coaching website up by hook or by crook and have a link to this blog and
just stop with the waffling already. There
are people out there who need some coaching from someone who’ll allow them to
play and be big kids! Okay then …
3. Vintage Finery. So.
Let’s get down to the vintage goal for the year. I’ve already got our new/old/Don Draper
couches ordered (yes, I’ve imagined Don Draper draping on them, yes I
have). I’ve got a swellegant buffet
waiting to be utilized for our entertainment center. I‘ve got plans to paint the
bland-as-wallpaper paste kitchen a pastelriffic palette. These things need to be planned. But beyond all that, I need to re-retro
myself. I’ve been lazy about
incorporating something vintage into every day’s outfit. I certainly have enough stuff to make this a
reality. So, please allow me to wave my
arms like my beloved Serena in “Bewitched” and make it so. And that also pertains to make-up and
hair. My hair has been a boring
rendition of “the Rachel” because of the perm I’m growing out. By the end of the summer, I should have my
flip back, if not before.
4. The Pause That Refreshes. Meditation also took a backseat during the
Scourge of 2012, which is ironic since I had an amazing time at the Chopra
Center retreat in the summer. But if you
don’t practice, if you don’t keep the flow going, it’ll get stuck like taffy on
the floor. So meditation will be
re-instituted into my daily plan. And
that also includes my walking meditation in my Church of the Great Outdoors,
the arboretum. But I’ll be adding
something more …
5. Angel on My Shoulder
(and in my car, at the café, accompanying me through Disneyland). Every single person on Earth has a guardian
angel, angel guides and spirit guides. I
have a guardian angel, two other angels who have specific jobs, and a spirit
guide. I also have recurrent
conversations with other angels, the big ones, like Archangel Michael. In case you’re curious, your angels are
always with you. The big, celebrity
angels, the ones ostensibly managed by big-deal talent impresarios in L.A.
(kidding. Just meaning that these angels
are known by many religions, and by the non-religious as well), are there any
time; all you need is to call upon them.
They can be anywhere, anytime.
The connection you attain with angels is up to you. They’re at the ready and they help us mere
mortals throughout our lives. But if you
wish to have a more personal, purposeful and fulfilling relationship with your
angels, you need to feed it daily. The
onus is upon you to communicate with them to enrich and deepen your
connection. 2013 is the year I not only
deepen my angelic connection, but the time to make “angel time” a part of my
daily spiritual routine. Angle magic is
powerful and gets you closer to God.
6. A Year-Long Cosmos Cotillion. 2013 is a six numerologically, the year of
creativity and love and I choose to celebrate these things all 12 months in a
very exciting, serendipitous way: the 2013 Party a Month Club. No, I’m really not kidding. Some people have rolled their eyes at this
idea, citing the fact that I already make February my birthday month. Well, if you’re celebrating a milestone
birthday in the year of creativity and love, the year that’s also your 15th
wedding anniversary to your soul mate, the year that’s also the 15th
anniversary of your first trip to Disneyland with the aforementioned soul mate,
I say take the whole year to rattle the noisemakers and blow the kazoos. The Party a Month Club will begin in earnest
on February 1 in Disneyland for my birthday.
It will run through January 31st, 2014. The ideas I have for parties (some grand,
some quite small) range from the sublime (wait ‘til you see what we’re doing
for our annual Summer Soiree!) to the silliest bit of girl-night grooviness I’ve
ever dreamt up. Note: there are no
membership cards or dues; I’ll just throw parties and invite people.
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