So it seems cosmiscally right and proper that this week, stuck right in the middle of Aquarian Time, MeTV is presenting a Serena Fest! Just think: one whole week of primetime "Bewitched" episodes featuring my favorite sitcom character of all time.
As you probably know, Elizabeth Montgomery played both roles, and played them exquisitely (although Serena was credited as being played by Pandora Spocks. Say it fast; you'll get the pun). As a child, I was enthralled with the idea of having a dual role in a play or TV show, of having a photo double you'd respond to. Then, as I got older, what really got me intrigued was the not as much the idea of having a groovy cousin who you resembled so much that people got conufused (sparking much madcap zaniness), but rather the theme of the alter ego.
We're all an amalgam of warring factions. All of us have sides of our personality that seem to clash with other attributes and interests we develop in life. So it makes perfect sense that the concept of the alter ego, the light and dark, continues to inspire and intrigue us over the centuries. It's so very universal, while being so very personal and unique to each of us.
I invite you all to catch this week's MeTV "Bewitched" episdoes and take some time to ask yourself who your "other self" is, what she wants and what you can do to feed her. Because, like Serena in her go-go boots and maribou, she won't be going away any time soon.
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