I find a one-card reading to be very powerful. the onus of the situation is seated in the interpretation of the one, single card. It's quite "in your face" and clear. You get no help from neighboring cards and you don't pick an additional card for clarity or anything like that. It's a tarot highwire act.
Ready for the magic? I know I am, and I'm certainly ready to get inspired and gain a little wisdom about something that's been nagging at me for a bit. So, I open the beautiful presentation box up, remove the cards, and start to shuffling, all the while focusing on the matter at hand. Asking my angels and guides to grant me wisdom and clarity. What energies are surrounding this situation?
(oh, and just so you know - I'm a lousy shuffler, and you'd think I'd have gotten better after doing tarot for about one-third of this lifetime, but I haven't.)
Anyway, I just used my ring finger on my left hand, which seems to be the most psychic and sensitive, to sense which card wishes to jump out and aid me today and ... here goes...

Interesting! I wrote a recent blog post about this very card, in reference to my wonderful Disney birthday celebration and how I'm looking at this whole year as an extension of that Party Atmosphere. 2013: One Big Party!
Hmmm... very curious, timely, and fitting (and POSITIVE) for the situation I'm inquiring about.
Take a look at these girls! It's like "Hello Dolly" meets "Can-Can" meets "Phantom of the Opera" (but the light-hearted parts of that show only). It's about celebration and camaraderie and girl power (although the man pictured in the card seems to have had SO much fun, he's passed out with a bucket of champagne at his side). Festivity surrounds this situation. Sharing and goodness and creativity and wonderful emotional connection.
Thanks, Magic Realist Victorian Romantic Tarot for my one-card reading for the day.
In answer to my query: Yes. I think I will.
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