But now here I am, writing away, and wanting to do a one-card reading, but I'm sans deck! What to do? Reach for my Android smartphone and "pull" a card from my Tarotbot app!
And what did I draw? The Nine of Cups. And here he is.
And what's his story? Well, let me say that this draw is coming at just the right time for me. Work has been picking up, but I'm not reaping the rewards just yet. Part of me is a little distraught about monies and having enough dough to get by at this time. But I'm also hit with a huge amount of optimism about the influx of work that has happened in the past four months and have a strong feeling it's going to continue to pick up.
The man in the 9 of Cups is sitting pretty. He has enough to get by and then some! His wishes have been fulfilled, he's ready for sensual pleasures, he's doing okay, by golly!
And this is how I see myself, even with money scares or tightness. I feel complete and satisfied in many ways. And I'm ready to have a nice dinner with my hubby tonight and have some fun plans with him this weekend (which happens to be our 15th wedding anniversary). Nice dinner (helped by the wonderfulness of a Groupon, a trip to the drive-in theatre in a few days to see "Iron Man 3", a traipse through an art show: sensual pleasures all.
Satisfied. Could be smug about it, but choose not to be. Comfortable. And wishes fulfilled.
All in all, a pretty nice Tuesday.
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