Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Awaiting the New Moon in Cancer

Sometimes it's hard to find parking near Lake Michigan in Chicago.  Today was no exception.  Actually, I kept getting thwarted from even getting close to the lake.  Pedestrian underpasses were closed, parking fees ridiculous, and parking spaces just too darned far from the water.

After exiting and entering and exiting and entering Lake Shore Drive numerous times, I finally exited at Recreation Drive and, lo! and behold, found free parking within quick walking distance from the lake.

Armed with a fresh cafe au lait, I sauntered over to the lakefront.  Seagulls skipped along the breeze.  Wave crashed - which kept me at a close-yet-far safe distance.  I sat down on a cement embankment - and began my ritual.

I breathed and centered and protected myself.  I invoked my personal angels. I summoned Archangels Gabriel and Camael, both connected with the element of water.  I prayed for the washing away of sorrow (as I'm still mourning my Dad - who incidentally was a Cancer, a Moon child, thus making today's ritual even more poignant and important)), and for a return to a balance of earth and water in my life.  I've felt a need to control and regiment which has put my creativity and sense of play on hold, and essentially eradicated my spiritual connection. I've been very left brain.  I've spent too much time on Facebook, wondering what others are doing rather than feeding my soul.  I've been putting others' agendas first. (And I'm just noticing now that I'm using the word "I" a lot here.  That's actually a good thing).

I asked for a sign from Camael to know when he/she is near and how he/she will communicated.  At that very moment, a rather playful wave crashed up on the walkway (see photo).  It was different from the other stronger, almost aggressive waves. Camael means "one who sees God".  It happened today.  It happened with the waves and the sun and the birds and the sense of peace and calm that washed over me. Camael will help me with my sense of inner peace and play and self-esteem.

And I asked for nurturing from the Universe and myself.  I gave thanks for the beautiful day.  And I did a simple 3-card tarot draw.  The first card was "what's hidden".  It was the 6 of Pentacles.  My interpretation was that benefic forces are at play to help me out of my depression (emotional, spiritual, and economic) - and that this energy will then be gratefully reciprocated by me.  Current situation - 2 of Swords. Blocked emotions, alright.  Been holding so much back, so much pain. And Future?  That would be the 3 of Cups - the card I felt I would pull as I walked to the lakefront minutes before. The beginning of love and peace and friendships - and the ending of a closed-off, sad energy.And when I say friendships, my gut is telling me it's about my friendship with myself.

Note: I'm reminded of the ritual I do every Summer Solstice - having to do with honoring my sense of play, promising the little kid inside me that I'll have a splendid summer.  I always place this little heart I made (with a baby picture of yours truly) on my bulletin board to remind me of how important this self-nurturance is.

I thanked God and the angels.  I soaked up the sun.  I returned to my car and asked my angels (who spoke to me and reminded me that they're always, ALWAYS near and ready to help) to direct me to a great place to have lunch.  It was a froyo place, and the tart yogurt topped with an abundance of berries and slivered almonds was perfect, creamy, juicy, and restorative..

This New Moon is about setting one's sights on new ventures, balancing out emotion, and restoration and renewal.  Today could not have provided a better launch for my Little Boat of Spirit That Could.

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