Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday is Tarot Day: Congratulations, Mr. President, on your second term. Let's move forward at warp speed! No, wait ...

Of the King of Pentacles, the Biddy Tarot website states: "The King of Pentacles indicates that a methodical, planned and well thought-out approach will lead you to success. Many consider the King of Pentacles to be dull and unimaginative but this is a likely consequence of his preference to do things in the most ‘tried and tested’ way" 

I was viewing the Inaugural Luncheon today with my Dad, talking in all the pomp and circumstance, how each faction of Congress gifts the President and Vice-President with vases, books, smiles, handshakes (at least for today), and noticing how self-contained President Obama is.  I mean, he's obviously brilliant, he's shown how skilled a politician he is, as well as a diplomat.  He's also caring, enterprising, a great father and husband ... and some have found him to be dull.

Now, I don't agree with that assertion, but sometimes I do wish he'd move his agenda along a little faster, put those who are bullies in Congress on notice more forcefully.  But then I recall that, although he's always been an exciting speech-giver, he's also been a bit more on the quiet side.  He's thoughtful and takes his time with decisions.
The Knight of Swords Tarot Card based on Rider-Waite
You don't rush President Obama.  And as much as I wish he'd often push things more forcefully politically, I always remind myself of something I've said four years ago, have heard pundits repeat again and again: "the man plays chess, not checkers".  No jumps and fast moves; he plays the game strategically and methodically.

President Barack Hussein Obama takes his time, yes.  In a deliberate and thoughtful manner.  And, really, I thank God we have a leader like him because, during times of crisis, I really prefer having a King of Pentacles at the helm, rather than, oh, a Knight of Swords.  Yikes!

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