Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday is Tarot Day: The Three of Cups and the urge to Partay!

As I've already shared, I spent my birthday at Disneyand with over a dozen people, riding rides, savoring Dole Whip, and soaking up all the goodness and whimsy a soul can possibly take in.  But after all the gifts were opened, the photos were sent and enjoyed, the thing that remains most vividly for me is the spirit of camaraderie and the birth of new friendships that this trip encouraged.

Besides myself and Ben, thirteen people, ages 9 to somewhere in the mid-5os, came together to celebrate my Day of Days - and came away with deep connections, forged due their connection with me and, more importantly I think, the love of All Things Disney.

The 3 of Cups is a card of celebration, of sharing, and enjoying time together.  The three women depicted are all different, yet similar, brought together for some sort of shared event.  Their gowns seem to suggest that it's somehow an important occasion - and there's movement and dancing and frolic in the drawing here in the Rider-Waite version (some versions depict three static women holding three static cups, but I prefer this version's sense of whimsy and play).

Since Disneyland on my birthday, I've become rather a glutton for bringing folks together under the umbrella of "Pam's Parties".  So I've decided to call 2013 the Year of the Celebration - and I'm planning a Party a Month.  Some may be small in scope (like a girl get-together), while others will have all the bells a'ringing and the whistles a'blarin' (like last night's Oscar party).

The celebratory essence of the 3 of Cups - in a teacup!
To watch the alchemy that happens when souls meet and sparks of friendship ignite is the greatest gift anyone can give me - or I can give to myself. 

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