Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday is Tarot Day!

I'm sticking to my original plan to write about tarot on Mondays, trust me.  But when I got word about this little Christmas miracle, I just had to share.

Look at me, Ma!  I'm now a contributing blogger for the WTTW - Channel 11 Chicago TV show "Check, Please!"  I wrote a review of my favorite mid-century restaurant, Merichka's - and it got published!  So now, how to tie this in with tarot.....


Eureka!  The Princess of Wands!  Fresh creative ventures!  Excitement, heads buzzing with new ideas!  I'm particularly picturing the cards from the Victoria Regina Tarot deck by Sarah Ovenall and Georg Patterson, which feature pens instead of wands, due to the fact that steel pens became mass-produced during the 19th century, thus allowing writers to flourish in their craft (rather than braving the arduous task of having to track down a goose for a feather to make a quill.  That could take all day and well into the evening.).

Behold Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, pictured among a veritable coven of female artists.  Louise was a free-spirit, artist, and pioneer of women's rights, the sort who'd probably love the idea of sending off a review to a TV show blog to see where it landed.  Louise threw her whole self in to her creative endeavors.

The Princess of Wands urges you to create in any way that sparks you.  Pick up the pen, the brush, the laptop and just let things spring forth.  Don't hide your light under a bushel - let it shine.

I'll add a dramatic flourish with a sweep of a keystroke (yeah, not exactly the same as a 19th century ink pen, but it will nicely suffice...)

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