Friday, September 20, 2013

On the upcoming Autumnal Equinox ...

So, I'm sitting here in my favorite neighborhood coffee house, sipping a pumpkin mocha.

(Let the record player needle in your head make that scratchy sound as you go, "Huh?")

During the summer, I favor an iced mocha.  When the weather gets cooler, I veer toward the typically more autumnal offerings.  Today, September 20th,I couldn't decide which direction I wanted to go.

It's that time of year again.  When our inner clocks intrinsically know that Summer is ending, but we want to hold onto it, to savor that last moment outside on the back deck, listening to the waterfall, or the marvelling at the brilliant summer flowers in the Mexican ware planters, or just being able to take a walk in our sandals.

Summer sings loudly, demanding our attention, in a rainbow hue of a melody.

Autumn whispers softly, requesting our presence, in a cidery, scratchy, smoky voice.

Autumn officially arrives on Sunday, September 22, a scant two days away.  Now is the time to thank Summer for her charm, her Charleston of wispy riches.  My Summer was absolutely jam-packed with more socializing than I've had since college, a little too much imbibing, and an exquisite balance of work busyness and sultry, quiet times.  Summer gave me the impetus to (finally) lose 6 lbs. (and counting), to keep moving and vital and vibrant.  I gratefully acknowledge Summer for her boundless gifts.

Painted Wheel of the Year from the Museum of Witchcraft, Boscastle
And I welcome Autumn's riches, which are already starting to peek out from behind a dusty, leather-bound book.  I welcome the contemplative times, the crunchy leaves under my Keens, and the Season of the Witch, the beginning of the seasonal wheel.  (I also expectantly await Epcot's Food and Wine Festival, and the Magic Kingdom's "Not So Scary Halloween Party", but that's another blog post for another day).

So what are you going to send Summer a "thank you" note for?  And what plans are you going to make for the brisk, golden, dark and dappled energy of Autumn?

I plan on gratefully taking down plenty of pumpkin mochas, served warm ...

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