Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'll miss Phyllis Diller.

 of Waylon Flowers' Madame

Phyllis DillerIt wasn't like she meant the world to me, like a Carol Burnett or Diane Keaton.  I never saw her perform live, and I don't recall every moment she was on a classic 60s TV show.  But I'm gonna miss this woman.  Truly, she was like no other.

Except she was like Madame.  Remember Madame?  I'm speaking of Waylon Flowers' little papier mache grande dame.

As a child, for some reason I couldn't get it around my head that the amazing Phyllis Diller, one of brash laughs and day-glo sequined mini dresses was not the same entity as Madame, Waylon Flowers' better half.  Yes, now I know that one was solid human while the other was solid paper pulp, glue, fabric and feather.  But I was convinced they were one and the same as a child.

Of course, I don't mean to disparage either, but at this said time of Ms. Diller's passing, I just had to share about my childhood foibles.  And also remind you about the brilliance of Waylon Flowers and his Madame.

Here are a few videos of both outrageous women to enjoy.  First, a little Madame:

Next, some moments with Phyllis, wearing my favorite Phyllis outfit of all time:

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