Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday is Tarot Day! Which card is your significator?

Enchanted Queen of WandsFull disclosure - I don't put much weight into the use of the significator card in the traditional sense.  Some tarot readers will put it at the hub of the Celtic cross "wheel", removing it from action for the rest of the reading, a practice which I find to be counter-producitve.  But, if/when my significator does show up while I'm laying out cards, I know it's there to remind me to play full-out and to psychically nudge me that, when I'm vibrating to my highest power, I'm unstoppable, majestic, and just a real treat to be around.

I give you my significator, the Queen of Wands.  The image at the left is from The Enchanted Tarot by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber, one of my very first decks.  I fell in love with it's use of collage mixed media and gentle, romantic pastels.  And I adore the visage of this particular Queen; she's mostly vintage, but there's a classic, timeless quality to her that's absolutely spell-binding.  Plus, I love this image of the Q of W because this is the one that helped me have a eureka about my personal significator.  She takes me back to a time of hige discovery and learning.

How do you pick a significator?  There are various schools of thought on this topic, but I simply say that it's the card that speaks to you most strongly about the real you, the you that shows up when all cylinders are firing, when you're strong of spirit, happy and purposeful.

The Queen of Wands is about creativity, eccentricity, action and "making it so".  She's the card of great female writers, actors, tarot readers, and those who enjoy dressing up in wacky ways, not giving a tinker's cuss what others think.  She absolutely rocks a bowler hat while wearing a "Mad Men"-inspired dress, while writing her book about vintage amusement parks, and preparing to lead a querrant through a tarot reading, helping that eprson to fly as high as they can and achieve their life's dreams.

Mighty tall order for a tarot card, huh?  Nah - just a day in the life of the Queen of Wands, Mastress of All She Surveys.  Which reminds me - as it's my birthday month, I keep her image in close proximity.  I've got the Sun in my First House and everyday during Aquarius time is full of brilliant, juicy whimsy.

If you're curious about which court card is your significator, don't hesitate to contact me and set up a reading to determine just that.  It's a delightful journey into self-discovery that will boost you and nourish you.

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