Wednesday, February 29, 2012

R.I.P. Davy Jones

Davy Jones in 1967.He was my first crush and my first bit of inspiration regarding singing, dancing, and all-around grooviness.  But besides all that, he inspired the haircut that, basically, has carried me well into my forties.  Davy had bangs and straight hair, so naturally I begged to have them as well.

Davy Jones passed away today, and with his passing, a part of my childhood has faded.  And that sucks, because childhoods should last and last.  They should have no date stamp or expiration date (or, as Davy might have said, an "expiry date").

Davy did musical theatre and brought that flair to his work on "The Monkees".  But he also had this great groovy dance step he'd use in a lot of the videos the group did for the show.  I emulate that step every time I'm required to be "groovy" for whatever reason.  Here's Davy dancing up a storm in my first memory of him, "Cuddly Toy":

It's Leap Day - and I was going to post a long rant about leaping and what leaping means and how one should leap and why might you not want to leap.  I probably would've included a picture of The Fool tarot card, the little guy who's ready to take a blind leap of faith, urged on (or celebrated?) by his little dog.

Instead, I'm a little misty today about one of my childhood heroes.

Davy - thank you for your charm and humor.  And that indefatigable grooviness.
The Monkees' Davy Jones, shown here at the 2003 TV Land Awards, has died.

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