Thursday, January 12, 2012

2012: The Year of Power

So much hubbub has been made about 2012.  Some follow the history of the Mayan calendar and interpret it as stating the world will end on December 21st of this year, accompanied by the requisite fire, brimstone, and cats and dogs living together.  Others site all the changes that have been happening in the last few years as laying the groundwork for tremendous, quaking change in the Earth, affecting each and every soul which inhabits it.  Like if the World was put into a Shake and Bake bag, tossed about, and throw into a 450 degree oven.


be a Lightworker but youIf you ask me if I agree with these takes, I'd say no.  And yes.  And pretty much no.  But I reserve the right to change my mind.  Because it's all of the above.  And absolutely nothing that we've ever encountered before --  or will again.

The fact is, EVERY year is a year of change and upheaval.  EVERY year we're blessed with is a beautiful blank canvas just waiting for us to fingerpaint, scribble, write, or carefully construct an articulated model upon.  EVERY year has its gifts and issues and bumps and joys.  EVERY single year is a gift from God - and it's up to us if we want to use it, throw it away, or put it on a back shelf in hopes that, perhaps, in the future we'll have a purpose for it, like an oddly-colored sweater that doesn't quite "work" for us right now, but might at some point (we're "playing nice" with the Universe and not wanting to rock the boat, in other words).

Yet, after having said all that, 2012 does feel different in some way.  It feels like a time for clearing things that have no longer proven useful for us.  And that includes outmoded or limiting self-beliefs.  I get the sense that 2012 will act as a mirror, showing us ourselves more clearly than ever before.  And when we look into that mirror, we'll see our true selves, complete with precious warts, impossible beauty, and implacable possibility.  Imagine for a second how utterly powerful that is!

Lee Harris who has joinedThe video I've attached at the top of this post (thanks to my delightful coaching pal, Amy O'Rorke) is from the magnificent mind of Lee Harris (pictured at the left, who apparently got into some fingerpaints of his own), a channeler and psychic.  The video is 20 minutes long, but please take some time today to sit quietly, perhaps with a cup of tea and your favorite cookie, and take it in.  It doesn't matter if you are fully enrolled in its message, or if only a smidgen of it rests with you.  I believe allowing it to resonate with you for those 20 minutes will provide you with peace -- and possibly some clarity about your own power during these curious times.

Namaste (I rarely write "namaste" - I feel it needs to be given and received in person.  But I just realized I needed to write it and give it now, no matter what).

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