Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Modern Design for Better Living!

designed by William KriselI have a vision board that sits at the upper right hand corner of my desk area.  Perhaps I'll share it with you all at some point, but for now, I will share what peppers it as far as the most prominent image: modernism.  Besides images of my wonderful hubby and me, our dainty beaglette, images of plenty and wonder and love and possibility, I have a preponderance of mid-century items plastered to the simple grey posterboard.  Fabulous ranch homes, sleek furnishings, window walls that blend the exterior into the interior, see-through fireplaces.

 In my future vision, I see a place where Ben and I have fantastic modern offices with enthralling views of mountainous vistas.  We spin around in our Knoll chairs . . .
for Knoll Office Chairs and take in the world around us.

2710 W. William Krisel DesignOur home is sleek and modern, mid-century cool and welcoming.  And just a tad eccentric...William Krisel
The video I've posted at the top of this blog post is for a trailer for a new documentary about the life work of William Krisel, whose amazing structures dot the landscape of Palm Springs (and many other places throughout the country).  His style is flowing, clean, and encourages growth and movement.  We drove past many of his homes last February while sweeping through this Mid-Century wonderland.  I simply could not find the words to describe my glee over seeing them in person.  In fact, I babbled as if I didn't have enough oxygen flowing to my brain. 

In my perfect dreamscape, Ben and I inhabit this quirky yet calm physical world.

And that's why Ben and I will live in such a place in the future.  Because co-active coaches need that sort of flow in their lives in order to energetically set that sense of energetic flow into our clients' lives, clutter-free and expansive.  These structures will most assuredly add that extra level of zip and style, with cool functionality and warmth combined.

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