Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday is Tarot Day. Yesterday was Graduation Day.

Tarot Cards – The StarAnyone hear the faint melody of "Pomp and Circumstance" yesterday afternoon around three o'clock or so, emanating from the Chicago suburb of Rosemont?  Wouldn't be surprised if you did, because at that time, a gaggle of new CTI coaches were having their commencement and receiving their diplomas.  And I'm extremely fortunate and blessed to say that I was one of them.

Co-active coaching is powerful, inspirational and important work.  I've worn a number of hats in my day and played a variety of roles, both onstage and off.  And although my work as a coach has just begun, I feel it's some of the most impactful and God-centered stuff I've ever learned - and I'm chomping at the bit to share it with the world.

Part of our commencement ceremony included a moment when we declared to ourselves, the entire room and, essentially, the Universe, the gift each of us is as a coach and how we'll share that gift with the world.  Here is my declaration:

"The gift that I am as a coach is authentic mastery, bringing my authentic self to the coaching conversation and shining my inner light on others to help guide them to their authentic voice.

The impact of that gift on the world is whimsical, magical, crazy-cool connection and, ultimately, peace."

When I think of light that guides the way, the tarot card of "The Star" shines brightly.  That's why I've decided to employ its image and energy as the logo for my co-active coaching business, Guided by a Star.  The Star (besides being the tarot card connected with the sign of Aquarius, which is my sign as well as the astrological ambassador of change, the visionary, and forward motion in general), is the card of transformation, of listening to that small, still voice within, of moving forward with one's life after leaving limiting self beliefs behind.  Folks who want to dig deeply into their lives, shine light on the inner strengths and bring them to full fruition are welcome to contact me to sign up forthwith and immediately. 

Co-active coaching is such important work, especially in these times of disruption and alienation.  To know you have someone who's got your back, someone who is a true champion, completely engaged in your inner growth and forward motion is a tremendous gift, one that I'm committed to realize for each and every person who'll allow me the honor of working with them.


  1. Beautiful, Pam. This is so you! So thankful you are doing this work. You will change the world.

  2. I am so proud and excited for what's to come.
