Wednesday, July 4, 2012

"Jaws" and the 4th of July.

It's a sweltering 90-something degrees outside on this 4th of July in the western Chicago suburb of Elmhurst - and it's only 10:30 in the morning.  I'm hiding inside as long as possible, but there's a dog to be walked, a visit to Dad to make, a BBQ to attend.  Until then, I can set my sights on what I'd really, really like to do today, if all my druthers were running the show.

It would require an inflatable kiddie pool, me in my swimsuit, a large outdoor screen (or bedsheet jerry-rigged to serve as one), and a cockatil named "the Bruce": blue curacao, pineapple juice, midori and vodka.  It would also require that I set up a DVD player or projector that would show one particular movie on that screen, while I'm bobbing along in the kiddie pool, drink in hand.

That movie would be "Jaws".

From Montygog's Art-O-Rama.  Visit the blog:  And if you do, can you PLEASE find a way I can order a print of this???

You see, while most folks are ensconced in their annual viewing of "1776" or "Yankee Doodle Dandy", I'm chomping at the bit to revisit Amity (which means "friendship") Island for their annual regatta and hear the deputy sheriff opine that  "Those aren't my people. They're from all over the place. Did you see all the license plates out in the parking lot? Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey... I'm all by myself out there.", and wait to hear the strains of "In the Good Ol' Summertime" as Elaine Brody (wearing the best floppy hat ever woven in the mid-70s) waves to her husband while he patrols the waters for the looming fishy menace.  Their kids are safe in the pond (although it's for old ladies) and all is right with the world.

Until it isn't.

So consider me warped and a little cracked in the cranium, but the 4th of July doesn't bring images of fireworks and burgers on the grill and "For God's Sake, John.  Sit Down!".  No, for me, it's that time right before Quint, Brody and Hooper venture off into the unknown depths of the ocean (Brody with his Blistex), to boldly face the big fish who could "swallow you whole", to learn what "chumming" is (and why you need a bottle of Old Spice at the ready) and sing a few rounds of "Show Me the Way To Go Home."  That's the 4th to me, when I recall that long-ago July afternoon when my parents and I went to see "Jaws" for the very first time on the big screen at the Golf Mill Theater.  It's been my most favorite film since then.

 "Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again" - Quint, "Jaws", 1975

Feel free to add some of your favorite "Jaws" quotes!

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