Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Spiritual Law of Karma

Today on the Chopra Retreat, we focused on the Law of Karma, of the choices we make, of how we choose to act regarding our surroundings and how that affects us.  I drove home, replaying my day, and thought, "Well, I don't think I made any BIG choices today.  I mean, it wasn't like I decided to walk backwards down the stairs and fell down the whole flight. Nothing BIG happened today as far as my choices go."

And then I caught myself going "A-HA!"  Because I was caught in the very thing that causes the karma and the wacky merry-go-'round that can ensue.  Unless you stop just long enough to see how you might be chasing your tail, how a limited belief can dampen something astounding.

I was seeking out some sort of miraculous, life-changing moment when karma came with its big mallet and whacked me on the head.  However, I almost neglected to see all the glittering moments the day consisted of:  the people I met today who were miracles, the food I ate which was one blessing of flavor and texture after another, the lectures I attended which shook the air and energy in the room, resulting in a a storm of elevated consciousness. 

It's all about how we choose to react to what we're given.  We all have bad days, or superb days - it's what we make of them.  Every little magnificent nanosecond.

This video sums it up so strongly, I'll just let the visuals and words do my speaking for me:


So my good day?  I choose to call it brilliant.  (But I must admit I'm glad I did attempt any sort of stair stunt; I did yoga and that, for me, is stunt enough!)

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