Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday is Tarot Day. Wheel of Fortune and Law of Karma

Wheel of Fortune (Tarot card)

I had a hard time figuring out what to write about today, after the horrible events of last week in Aurora, Colorado.  It pains me to no end when I think of the lives that have been shattered, of the pain and suffering one prison caused that shot out shock waves all over the world and will cause a ripple effect through the lives of so many people.  Frankly, it almost feels like attempting to connect a tarot card with the experience isn't fitting, or may come across as insensitive or lame or both.

The tragedy has so many layers of pain, of fear, that it's impossible to find a card that will, in any way, shed light on it.  I don't think there are enough cards in the deck to sum up how I'm feeling, how catastrophic this all is, how depressing it has become.

The Wheel of Fortune wasn't my first choice to write about in connection with Aurora.  But it doe fit in many aspects.  If you look at the Wheel as "luck", then, yes, one could say that some people had the horrible "luck" of being in the wrong place at the very wrong time.  And that millions of people, of course, weren't in that theatre, so their "luck" was "good".  You could say that.  But that's not what's hitting me.

I'd rather look at the card from the prospective of karma, or the Law of Cause and Effect. And I choose to not look at what occurred, but what can happen from this point on.  How this can be a springboard to a safer, more peaceful future.

The suspect armed himself with "civilian semi-automatic weapons".  Why any civilian needs an semi-automatic attack weapon is beyond me.  Do hunters take out guns like this, that can shoot off 50 to 60 rounds in one minute, to hunt deer or geese?  I'm guessing not.  No, ammo like this is used for one thing and one thing only, to kill and main, out of fear and anger.

So this is my prayer: this tragedy will cause our government to change gun laws and outlaw weapons such as these for civilians.  That this senseless, mind-numbing slaughter will cause an effective change in how we look at life and its preciousness and fragility.

What we all do NOW can cause a positive outcome in the future.  Cause and effect.


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